We have been receiving additional press on our research of online vaping retailer noncompliance with age verification, shipping, and flavor restrictions. You can read the newest article covering the story at The Washington Post (linked).
Below is an excerpt from the article:
"The problem was outlined by University of California at San Diego researchers who found that when they ordered 99 flavored vape products online, 81 percent arrived through the Postal Service — despite laws banning that. No buyers had their IDs scanned upon delivery as required by law, according to research published Nov. 11 in the journal JAMA. More than two-third of the buyers in San Diego received packages at their homes even though the city bans online sales of flavored vapes.
'It’s incredibly easy to buy flavored vaping products online — even in areas where they are restricted,' said lead author Eric C. Leas, an assistant professor at the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health at UCSD."
If you would like to access data from this research, please reach out to us at info@tobaccoecommercelab.com and tell us what you need and how you intend to use it.